The Message

America’s Biggest Problem

How would you answer this question? What is America’s biggest problem?  Take a moment to truly think about that.
Honestly, is it inflation, the election outcome, crime, politics, money?
The heart of America’s problem is spiritual, it is invisible but more deadly than cancer. Pastor Lutzer writes in his latest book that it is spiritual darkness. He sees America in ever increasing darkness much like an eclipse of the moon blocking out the sun.
Darker and darker the world seems to become with each passing day. Many seen helpless to stem the tide of evil blocking our ability to see goodness, hope, love and other beautiful virtues. Is this really happening we might ask? The answer is an emphatic YES. Darkness is growing and we who know the Light are faced with the question, what are you going to do about it?
Yes, we have an election and we  can vote and that is extremely important but what about our daily lives. First of all, we can be light as Jesus exhorted us to be. Light represents God. There is no sin in Him. He is perfect. He never fails to shine in brilliance just as the sun faithfully goes up and down, always dependable, always present. So what is the opposite of God – DARKNESS. Sin, corruption and hopelessness can overcome us if the spiritual moon blocks the spiritual Son, Jesus Christ. We must understand that there is a spiritual battle raging in America and it is very important to be on the right side of this struggle. Good or evil, we must choose.
Please listen to Dr. Lutzer’s message below titled “Truth or Truthiness?” Like the sun, truth is absolute, it is totally objective and reliable. Jesus said that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is Truth and He is the Answer to life’s biggest problem. Do you know for sure that you are going to heaven? If not, you are going elsewhere and could be living in darkness for eternity. This is a severe warning. Choose Christ the Light of the world or choose death. We must choose. Death is our biggest problem. Jesus Christ is God’s Answer to America. Pray that this message will change your life. Let the Truth into your heart.

Truth Or Truthiness? | Dr. Erwin Lutzer

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