The Message
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We need to get this settled in our own minds so that we can properly work together according to God's will. The video below is an excellent discussion on the differences and agreements between the two. The answer to the question is not simple but very necessary. Centuries of misunderstanding have caused conflict between the two. Even wars were fought to try to answer the question by force....
One of the foremost voices in the Catholic church is Ralph Martin who addresses the issue of condemnation in the video below. Every human being has fallen short of the perfect and holy will of God. That reality makes us all sinners. We are guilty and we are deserving condemnation since the wages of any sin is death. Our sins - past, present and future...
Every day is a good day to share the Gospel with others especially when they are coming to your home. Halloween is a tremendous opportunity to let children and their parents know about Jesus. We know Hallolween is problematic but most who are coming to our doors are coming for the sheer fun of it. How unique is this opportunity? We can share the Gospel...
104 million Christians or people of faith are eligible to vote, 41 million don't vote, 32 million church goers don't vote.
Based on research conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, it is estimated that 104 million people who fall under the category of people of faith, of which 41 million are Christians and 32 million attend church regularly, will not cast ballots in this...
The Kindness of God & October 31
God is kind. He does not treat us according to what we deserve. Every single one of us deserves judgment for our sins. But God out of the kindness of His heart does not give us what we deserve, he gives us undeserved, unmerited, unconditional love. In other words, we are the objects of God's grace and mercy with each new day. We are going...
The Fall of the Human Race
September 21 marked the first day of Fall. All the beauty of Spring and Summer disappear in a colorful transition. Halloween is only a few weeks away, it marks the opposite direction - into the reality of darkness and an oncoming winter. Life must change, that is the reminder every year as we witness this seasonal turnaround.
In our own personal lives, we have seasons too....
Heaven Opened for All But Most Won’t Enter
Inclusivity - the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or intellectual disabilities or belonging to other minority groups.
Inclusivity as defined above could lead some to think that God was inclusive so that every person is loved and therefore every person is going to heaven. That belief is not true....
America’s Biggest Problem
How would you answer this question? What is America's biggest problem? Take a moment to truly think about that.
Honestly, is it inflation, the election outcome, crime, politics, money?
The heart of America's problem is spiritual, it is invisible but more deadly than cancer. Pastor Lutzer writes in his latest book that it is spiritual darkness. He sees America in ever increasing darkness much like an eclipse of the moon blocking out...
Revealing Revelation
Revealing Revelation
The words are right in front of us, anyone can understand them, right? Often, we can read verses or chapters in the Bible and find ourselves mystified, even overwhelmed. One of the most challenging books is the Book of Revelation written by the Apostle John. Even the most educated biblical scholars end up with a wide range of opinions on this book. It may...
Can America Be Saved?
This question is on the minds of many as we approach the November election. How would you answer it? Have we gone too far? Are we irredeemable? What can we do about the enormous forces that are beyond our control? Anything can happen to us personally or as a nation - it is so uncertain.
But, there is one thing you can control. You have been...
My spirit is broken, my days cut short, the grave awaits me. Surely mockers surround me; my eyes must dwell on their hostility. Job 17:1-2
Job is a book in the Old Testament that reveals much suffering. Why it happens is discussed by three friends and a young man named Elihu. In Job 2:9, Job's wife told him to curse God and die! None of us...
Only One Way – The Cross
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Son of God and the fulfillment of all the prophets. He is Perfection, both Man and God, two natures in one. He lived a sinless life and died for the sins of...
Can I Lose My Salvation?
If salvation depended in any way on my ability to keep it, I would lose it. Salvation is a complete and perfect work of God - 100% God, 0% me. That moment in time when I cross over from death to eternal life is irreversible. Crossing over from temporal to eternal is called JUSTIFICATION. By placing my faith in Christ, I am justified in the...
Freedom or Slavery?
Freedom to do as we please without God's control leads to slavery.
Freedom is not the ability to live life on my terms. Freedom can only come through life on God's terms. Free will is a gift from God given to every human being. We were given that great power to choose by a gracious God for the purpose of freely choosing to love God. God...
Are You Born Again?
Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." John 3:3
Jesus spoke this answer to Nicodemus, a religious leader, a member of the Jewish ruling council. Apparently, Nicodemus was unaware of the way to heaven. If that was the case, how could anybody under his instruction know what God required for admission into eternal life?...
Living in the Supernatural
There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end is death. Proverbs 14:12
What seems right often is just the opposite of what is right. Our human nature is wired to give others what seems fair. If I am hurt, I certainly am likely to hurt back. The tendency is to give others what they deserve. An eye for an eye, a...
Do Not Show Favoritism
Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism". Acts 10:34
Here is the truly Good News of the Gospel. It does not matter the color of your skin, it does not matter if you are Jew or Gentile.
It does not matter if you are rich or poor, able or disabled, smart or not. There are no conditions that disqualify you...
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. Hebrews 9:22
Throughout the 39 books of the Old Testament, God required animal sacrifices in the temple as payment for sin. The animals represented a SUBSTITUTE instead of humans for reconciliation with God. The high priest would go into the Holy of Holies on behalf of the people. He served as the intermediate REPRESENTATIVE between God and man....
Descent into Anarchy
At the root of understanding anarchy is PRIDE. The rejection of God and the authority established by God is at the heart of anarchy. Central to the chaos of anarchy is the exaltation of personal freedom to do whatever I please without consequences. Licentiousness is license to sin and the abolition of laws so that any behavior is no longer illegal. If one believed that human beings were inherently good, that makes...
Heaven or Hell?
Heaven or Hell?
"This is the most beautiful message on heaven I have ever heard. Amen and thank you for all you've done for us!!!"
YouTube comment on the Message delivered below by Dr. David Jeremiah
How old are you? Young or old, your life is a blip compared to eternity. We spend so much time in this life concerned about our retirement which will likely be around...
Do Not Condemn
Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Luke 6:37
There is no topic more critical to understand and apply to your life than condemnation. It's an ugly word. Condemnation means "a guilty verdict" or "a punishment". It refers to the judgment that comes as a result of breaking God's law. We all need to understand that since we are all guilty of breaking God's laws,...
The History of Christianity
How many pieces do you think make up the Christianity puzzle? Every church is a piece that has a place in the entire picture. You probably don't see the history at all if you are like most people. You go to church and concentrate on your particular denomination or church beliefs and perhaps give little thought to your roots or the church next door. If that...
You Will Be Alive After You Die
Just as people are destined to die once, and after that face judgment. Hebrews 9:27
If in fact we will be alive after we die, we will face judgement and end up in one of two places: Heaven or Hell. The gravity of this reality cannot be stressed enough. Life here on earth is but a blip next to eternity. Forever is infinity, forever is without...
Heaven is Not an Automatic
Is God so loving that no one is going to hell? Is Universal Salvation (every person is going to heaven) true?
The answer to both is NO. Jesus spoke about hell many times and clearly stated that the way to heaven was narrow. If we are to handle the Word of God correctly, we must understand that both exist and it is our responsibility to choose to...
America is Still a Christian Nation
Sometimes we may feel like we are the Divided States of America. Certainly, changes are happening but we need to be encouraged that most Americans still are sensitive to God. The article below by Ben Johnson reflects Gallup Poll results taken on Good Friday, March 29. All of us as a nation will become good to the degree that God has control over our decisions....
Being Good Isn’t Good Enough
Many people outside Christianity are trusting that they are going to heaven because they have been a good person. Many people inside churches seeking to be good enough for God are also under the belief that good works will get them into heaven. The Bible could not be more clear about this. No one is going into heaven because they are good enough - No...
Conquering the Fear of Death
Easter is truly far from only a one day celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That day was the greatest day in the history of mankind. That day is our only hope of resurrection.
By faith in Christ, we live each day believing that the same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead will raise us up as well. The future may be quite...
The Gospel Under Attack
The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been under attack since the very beginning of the church. No sooner would Paul preach the Gospel and leave a church in place so that he could continue his missionary journey, other religious imposters would come in behind him and tell people that Paul was not telling the truth by omission or commission. Paul's character was called into question...
Sin Kills
The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23).
All of us have sinned, all of us will sin, all of us will die a physical death. However, spiritual death is not a certainty if we understand and receive God's invitation to eternal life.
Left alone, there is not one person who could ever hope to reach heaven. God could see this clearly and He decided to do...
Don’t Get Ripped Off (Bad Religion)
None of us believe lies on purpose. They are believed with sincerity. That is why they are so deadly. They are the appearance of truth wrapped in a shiny attractive wrapper. Jesus said that we would know the truth and the truth would set us free (John 8:32). Most people do not know the Truth that will enable them to go to heaven. Whatever you believe...
Perfection Is A Person
Perfection is a pursuit we all take in many ways. We want the perfect vacation, the perfect house, the perfect car and just about any kind of food. There is a built-in desire for the best of anything in this world. Certainly, the same applies to relationships. We want the perfect family, the perfect church, the perfect job. Needless to say, nothing is perfect, we...
Why Can’t We Get Along?
It seems that with each passing day, the news gets scarier. Most of the bad news comes from decisions to reject differences with violence.
In many situations, one party justifies hatred to harm another party. In other words, evil is returned for what is perceived to be evil.
Surely, that logic is seen as reasonable or fair by the offender. Is it ok to give an eye...
True Joy
All of us want to have a Happy New Year. But for most of us, it seems like 2024 is just like a stick of dynamite that could blast off at a moment's notice.
The video below by Bethy is a great object lesson for us adults as well as the kids in her video class. That happiness balloon is ready to go bang!
Happiness is a...
A Special Christmas Message from Nick Vujicic
Most of us are in the Christmas pressure cooker, only two weeks from the big day.
It most certainly is a time when stopping and listening is not convenient for many.
Too many places to shop, too many tasks to complete, too many gifts to buy.
We have limited resources in life. We always need to prioritize what is important by how we spend our time, our talent...
The Beginning of the End
Christmas marks the arrival of God into this world in the most humble circumstances. Christmas is the first year of our Lord - Anno Domini. 2023 years later, we are living by the grace of God until the Lord returns.
Christmas is the Beginning.
The First Coming of Christ
Christmas - God makes His Presence known by coming into this world in human flesh - the Incarnation.
This timing...
5 Warnings for Christmas
God became a man and added a new nature so that He could identify with us and die for us. The Incarnation is the placement of the Seed of God into the human flesh of Mary - how remarkable!
She gave birth to a Child who was born from above by the power of the Holy Spirit. His name is Jesus and He came in fulfillment...
You Must Be Born Again
If we must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven, we must understand what it means to be born again. Nothing is more important!
All of us hopefully want to go to heaven. We do not want to leave this question fuzzy or gray in our minds. God wants to make it clear. But, we must be open to the Holy Spirit to make it...
God’s Destination for Your Life
Did you know that we don't belong here? The Bible says that we are aliens and strangers to this world (1 Peter 2:11). We belong in heaven.
This world is simply a means to an end. This world is finite, we belong in an infinite world. This world is passing away but the next world is eternal.
Our current bodies will perish but our new bodies will be...
Merry Christmas!
Somehow, the greeting "Merry Christmas" began to fade from the Christmas conversation several years ago. Now, there is a wavering about using the term Christmas at all. Some like "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" or some just want to call it a "Winter Holiday" or another December holiday. There are some very interesting facts concerning the History of Christmas at
The truth is that the vast majority miss the...
Righteousness, Self Control and The Judgment to Come
On October 8, 2023, Pastor Gary Hamrick delivered a 30 minute message on Righteousness, Self Control and the Judgment to Come.
Pastor Hamrick is preaching from Acts 24:22-27.
Then Felix, who was well acquainted with the Way, adjourned the proceedings. “When Lysias the commander comes,” he said, “I will decide your case.” He ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard but to give him some freedom and permit his friends to take...
Am I Good? (Understanding Original Sin)
The answer to this question depends on our relationship to Christ. Connected to Christ, we are good. Disconnected, we are not.
A good illustration would be the branch of a tree. Christ is the Tree of Life and all the branches connected to Him are good and fruitful.
Jesus said "I am the vine and you are the branches". Christians are connected to Christ and remain or...
The Cult of Scientology
Scientology falls under the umbrella of Syncretism which we reviewed in a previous message. There are not many spokes in a wheel that all lead to God. Many religions claim to represent God but do not. If a religion teaches a "truth" that directly contradicts the Bible, both cannot be true at the same time. 2+2 cannot equal any other number but 4. Christianity is built on the...
- By keren
Skepticism - doubt as to the truth of something
Why do most people believe that the Bible is not true? Why do most people dismiss miracles?
There are two worlds in God's eyes - natural and supernatural. According to Romans 1, God states that they both exist and that the natural world should lead us to the supernatural. Another way to say it would be that the...
Charge the Sin to Me
What if all the sins you ever committed in the past and all the sins you will commit in the future are placed on Jesus Christ instead of you?
That is exactly what happened when Christ sacrificed His life on the cross for your sins and the sins of the world. He died for you personally and made one full payment once and for all for...
What is Syncretism and how is it part of "The Collapse of the World System"? Pastor Jack Graham delivers a powerful message on this topic in the video below.
Syncretism is the mixture of all religions that are not Christian. At the end of time, Christ is coming to save all who have placed their faith in Him. All others will not be saved.
That is true...
God Has Declared You Righteous
- By keren
We can live in God's righteousness and forsake all attempts to be righteous by striving to be good enough.
God desires that we live in righteousness day by day through faith in the finished work of Christ placing no trust in our own goodness. We simply cannot be good enough for God by any means other than Christ. Paul said that he considered his own righteousness...
- By keren
If we are in the End Times, the Antichrist is either already here or will arrive soon. How are we to respond?
Greg Laurie gives a wonderful message on this topic in the video below. According to Greg, Christians will be raptured before the Antichrist arrives so that is an extremely urgent reason to turn to Christ and be saved from all the turbulence that will in fact come...
- By keren
Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him. Proverbs 26:12
The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
For since in the wisdom of God the world in its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased...
Remember Lot’s Wife!
Much is being said these days about End Times. Are we living in the days when we will see Christ return? What are some guidelines to follow? This question was asked by the Pharisees in the verses below, "when is the kingdom of God coming?"
We are essentially asking the same question when we wonder about the End of the World. Here are some thoughts to ponder...
The Secret of Contentment
If contentment depends on the outer circumstances of our lives, we will live in a boat that is tossed to and fro by the waves of life.
Contentment depends on the object of our faith. If things are going our way, we can experience the feeling of contentment but it will
come and go. We need to make Christ the Rock upon which we build our lives....
The Wrath of God
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so...
Bernhard Langer
We overcome by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony. Revelations 12:11.
What is your testimony? If you have not simply placed your faith in Jesus like a little child, you can do that now.
God has given all of us free will so that we might choose voluntarily to place ourselves at the foot of the cross and ask for forgiveness.
God is Counterintuitive
Counterintuitive - dictionary definition: counter to what intuition would lead one to expect - the direction we had to follow was counterintuitive - we had to go north first before we went south.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts your thoughts. Isaiah 55:9
There is a way that seems right to man but in...
Reawaken America
For 45 years, Dr. James Dobson has faithfully stood for God's Word to prevail in the lives of Americans.
His letter below is a reminder of the urgency of our times. What can we do? Let's start by asking God to help us share the Gospel as best and as much as we can every day. We are called to be Salt and Light in a...
Forgiven Forever
How would it be possible to be forgiven forever? to know that all you have ever done wrong will not be held against you?
When we sin, we can often feel quite negative. Guilt, shame, fear and depression are just a few of the by-products of the
failures in our lives. Can we break God's laws and find enough mercy to wash away our transgressions?
The answer to...
God’s Perfect Love
Understanding the love of God is the most important issue in your life. But, the vast majority of people are not seeing Him correctly.
Such misunderstanding could cause eternal damnation. A horrible thought but true from the very warnings of Jesus Christ Himself.
Many think they were going to heaven because a loving God would never send anyone to hell. Others think that I have lived such...
July 4th Division
A house divided against itself cannot stand (Mark 3:25). We have a most serious problem in America as we approach July 4th tomorrow. The United States can become the Divided States of America.
The reason for that disunity lies in the understanding of the word FREEDOM. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed and a nation was born.
There are two views of freedom that are discussed...
Easter happened way back in early April and the real Easter happened 2000 years ago. Christ was raised from the dead by the Holy Spirit.
That promise of resurrection was given to every believer in Jesus Christ. After Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He declared
"I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die" (John 11:25).
What if we learned to forgive whatever hurts, abuse, failures and sins in general that were ever committed against us?
What would that look like? How would that change you? How would that change our world?
It would make you more like Christ for one thing. He came to demonstrate forgiveness to us through His death on the cross.
He was teaching us how to die to sin right along with...
4 Kinds of People
How does God view people and how does He view you? The answers are revealed in the Bible in Romans 8.
Romans 8 is like a mirror. We need to look at it and ask God to show us ourselves so we can see ourselves correctly.
Far too many people go through life not even knowing their true standing with God. This is so unnecessary. God wants...
America on Trial
Today, 16% of Americans say that religion is the most important thing in their life. Question: what is most important to the other 84%?
The first commandment states that we should love God with all of our heart, mind and soul. Thou shalt have no strange gods before Me.
Anyone or anything that is placed before God is idolatry.
Does the fact that America and much of Western...
America in Peril
We enjoy the freedom to say and do whatever we want thanks to the sacrifices of countless lives who shed their blood on our behalf. Others died to set us free, our liberty is precious. We have a deep responsibility to use that freedom to serve not to be served. Christ laid down His life for us to set us free from sin. There was...
Artificial Intelligence
The danger of any human attempt to replace God with a substitute god is alarming. The wisdom of God compared to the wisdom of man is like comparing a drop of water to the ocean.
God is Omniscient, there is nothing that He does not know. Man, on the other hand, is continuously learning because he has been granted that ability by God. Man has nothing...
I Am, I Am Not
Am I a Christian or am I not? There are only two kinds of people in the eyes of God.
Saved or Unsaved. Those who are Christians identify with Christ and say "I AM". What about those who are not?
A woman who is pregnant knows it and she can say with confidence "I AM".
We have a life inside or we don't. In the same way, all...
No Condemnation
Do you know today that you are innocent in the eyes of God? If you were to die today, would God find you not guilty of sin and welcome you into heaven?
We need to understand our relationship with God in order to have peace with God otherwise we will live in uncertainty. If you are not sure that you are ok with God, you will...
Holiness is an extremely important word to understand. Without holiness no one will see God (Hebrews 12:14). If that is true, the obvious questions are as follows.
Are you holy? How do you know if you are or are not holy? Are you at peace with God?
To start with, holiness is not an achievement earned by human effort rather it is a gift received by faith...
There are three stages in the Christian life: justification, sanctification and glorification. We need to understand all three as much as possible.
That can only happen through the revelation of truth in the Word of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Most people are going to miss these three stages and therefore miss heaven. Please listen carefully. Ask God to give you the Truth...
Sanctification is the growth stage for a Christian from birth to death. Our entire life as a Christian on earth = sanctification. Sanctification follows justification.
Growth requires life first then growth of that life. When any person is born again, he or she becomes a new creation, the old is behind and the new is the future.
No one can enter into sanctification until one is born...
There is nothing more important than the answer to the question below. When we all stand before God to justify why we should be admitted into heaven, we need to be able to place 100% of our confidence in Christ.
We don't want to place any confidence whatsoever in our good works. We are justified to do good works but we cannot be justified by good...
Why is Good Friday Good?
This Friday is Good Friday, a most incredibly important day that we must understand to know who God truy is and what He has done for us.
This Holy Week as you meditate on the meaning of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday, think on how you are loved.
Suggestion: Memorize this verse and meditate on it all week:
But God demonstrates His love for us in...
A Letter from Dr. Dobson – Retirement
Dear Friends,
Recently, a colleague sent me an article that described a retirement center where the residents spent most of their time playing cards, pickleball, shuffleboard, and drinking heavily at parties. For them, life was like being on a perpetual cruise ship, where leisure had become an obsession. Most of these people had retired early to capture what they perceived as "the good life." From my...
Who’s in Charge of Your Life?
Who is in the driver's seat of your life? You can run your life,of course, and most people are deeply passionate about that. It's my life, my body, my future, don't tell me what to do.
God has given us free will to make that decision if we want to. However, we may not like the consequences which often are reflected in our feelings.
A sign that...
Sola Christa
Sola Christa is latin for "Christ Alone".
There are many reasons why this statement which was first made 500 years ago is true.
These are only a few to consider:Sola Christa is latin for "Christ Alone".
There are many reasons why this statement which was first made 500 years ago is true. These are only a few to consider:
1. Christ said it about Himself, "I am the way,...
Letter to the American Church
- By alexa
The American church is in the process of repeating the history of the German church in the 1930's. During that time, the church was largely silent in pushing back against a tide of evil that took the lives of more than 60 million people. The church has been called by God to be the pillar and foundation of truth and to be salt and light...
Hatred is Murder
- By alexa
God does not hate anybody. God loves the entire world according to John 3:16. He not only loves the world, He died for all the sins of the world, every single one of them.
Murder is a sin and Jesus died for all murderers. If we truly grasped the enormity of what the definition of hatred is from God's point of view, we are all likely...
A Valentine from God
- By alexa
We cannot comprehend the love of God. It far exceeds our understanding. One reason for that is the fact that we never deserved it and never will.
We tend to think that love must be based on something - beauty, being good, religious observance. We reason that there must be a reason for love.
But God's love is unreasonable! We cannot tie His love to a worthy...
What Does God Require?
- By alexa
Jesus taught us to pray "thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". What is the will of God? Do you know God's will for your life?
For many, the answer is "I don't know" or "I hope God is ok with me" or "I'm doing my best and that's all I can do".
Others are placing their confidence in being good enough for...
The End of the World
In Matthew 24 (51 verses), Jesus Christ provided specific prophecy on the end of this world using the word "WILL" 47 times.
He did not say "maybe" or "possibly". He stated emphatically that the signs WILL happen at the end of time.
First and foremost, we must acknowledge that this world (which Jesus created - Colossians 1:16) has an expiration date. While we are here, we are...
The Reality of Hell
There are many explanations for the reality of hell including complete denial (one out of three are in this category). A Pew Research study in 2021 found that 62% of Americans believed in hell.
The discussion on hell, of course, must begin with God and the character of God. Atheists probably make up most of the 32% who do not believe it exists. But, what about...
- By alexa
Partiality is the unfair bias in favor of one thing or person compared with another.
Partiality requires judgment where a decision is made based on that particular bias. Partiality becomes unfair when those decisions discriminate in favor of one group to the detriment of all other groups. We are told by God that He is not partial. He does not show favoritism and neither should we....
Heaven Rules
- By alexa
Who is really in charge of this world? The Bible gives us the answer repeatedly. God is in control and all that happens is already known by Him and allowed by Him.
He is sovereign which means that He rules supremely and reigns over His creation.
We may think that we are in control. We often have the attitude that I can do whatever I please and...
Christmas 2.0
- By alexa
What will the year 2023 bring? Anything is possible so we need to be ready for anything. There will be good, there will be bad. Life is bittersweet. We live in an imperfect world that according to God is a transition to a perfect world - heaven. In the meantime, God exhorts us to think about heaven as we live in this temporary holding pattern....
Word of Men or Word of God?
Here we are between Christmas and New Years Day. Most of us have time to reflect and think about the future new year.
What are we seeking to accomplish? What is our purpose and how can we make that a reality next year?If we listen to men they will tell us to live life on our own terms. As the famous Frank Sinatra song goes "I...
Christmas – A Divine Invitation with 4 Responses
- By alexa
Looking at Christmas as a "feel good event" rather than a "divine invitation" could be hazardous to your spiritual health.
Christ came to earth, that is a certainty not a fable. He came as part of a plan that was formed by God before time began.
He came as a Gift to be received by faith into the hearts of everyone who would believe in Him. Think...
Christmas – It’s Supernatural
- By alexa
In order to believe in the true meaning of Christmas, we must by faith believe in miracles. If we could count the number of times that Christmas was predicted in the Old Testament, it would be staggering.
Christmas was the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah to the Jewish people. The first 39 books of the Bible are really all about the coming of God to earth....
Christmas – Divine Intervention
- By alexa
It is a staggering thought that God would come in human flesh to dwell among us.
Immanuel means "God with us". He left heaven to enter earth so that we could leave earth and enter heaven.
We dare not miss this mind boggling Truth. God became man - it is the Incarnation, Divine Intervention.
Theologians call the entrance of the divine into the human as the "hypostatic union".Hypostatic...
Christmas: Fact or Fiction?
- By alexa
The first four Sundays before Christmas are called Advent meaning "the coming of Christ". Churches around the world begin preparing hearts for Christmas to prepare for Christ to come into our hearts personally. Where are you with Christ this Christmas? Have you accepted him as your Savior? Do you see Him as the long-awaited Messiah? Christ is the true story of God coming to earth...
How to Be Thankful Always
- By alexa
It is the will of God that we be a thankful people always. Always? Yes, Always.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
But, we may simply respond that such a mindset is impossible so let's just be thankful only for the good things in life.
What could...
Thanksgiving for Freedom from Sin
When you think of freedom, how do you see that word applying to your life? Are you free to do whatever you please? Or, do you see yourself free to do whatever God pleases?
We looked at the pilgrim story last week and saw that their gratitude was tied to spiritual blessings first and foremost. Material blessings came as a result of their spiritual lives.
The fruit...
Thanksgiving is only a couple of weeks away and we should rightfully give thanks for the blessings of life. What should we be thankful for? If we followed the Pilgrim's example, it would be for spiritual blessings much more than material. After all, they had sacrificed to the extreme not for worldly reasons but for the freedom to live their lives with freedom to control their...
Halloween and Death
Most people don't want to talk about death. However, on Halloween, that is actually the subject matter as death is brought to mind through many reminders of what must eventually come to every single person who has ever lived. However, we must make one huge exception and that is Jesus Christ. He conquered death and made it possible for all who would believe in Him...
Halloween Masks
- By alexa
This is the perfect time to share the Halloween video as we are only 5 days from the big day.
Halloween would seem to be the furthest topic from God and salvation but that is not true. God loves every single person who will be in the season as well as all who are not! God wants all to be saved. Romans 2 says that God's...
Halloween – What Are You Wearing?
- By alexa
Our life on earth is a blip compared to eternity. The moment we die in this finite world, we will enter the infinite.
What we wear or don't wear will determine our eternal destiny. In the parable of the 10 virgins, Jesus revealed that 5 were wise and 5 were foolish.
The wise had oil in their lamps, the foolish had nothing. When we stand before God,...
Halloween – Life After Death
- By alexa
No doubt about it, lots of graphic images reflecting death abound during Halloween.
For that reason, many are either participating in or withdrawing from the event.
Either way, this article is intended to think past the topic of death and give value to life which is beyond Halloween. In other words, death is not the end of the story.
Rather, death is a door to life. We do...
Why Halloween?
Probably the most controversial holiday of the year within Christianity is Halloween.
Much can be said on both sides for what to do with this annual event. One thing is for sure, Halloween will happen
and a very large number of children and parents will be involved. We also know that God loves each and every person.
That is the wonderful Truth behind the Share the Gift Halloween Video....
Are You Redeemed?
If you were to stand before God today, what would your defense be for all of your sins? Most people have no idea what they would say. Many would hope somehow that their good works in life would outweigh their sins and God would judge in their favor for being good enough. But, what if God said that you fall way short of His standard...
Pleasing God
What is your goal in life? What are you seeking to accomplish? What do you dream about?
The answers to those questions will drive many of your life choices. Most would make their goals centered around self.
Maslow's Need Hierarchy would say that we have five leading up to Self Actualization.
Are we somewhere in those 5 needs as the driver of our goals? Certainly, Maslow's needs are...
Critical Human Race Theory
What is Critical Race Theory? That was a question many of us asked in recent months and years. It came across as a new insight into humanity, a new body of knowledge added to our children's curriculum. CRT is a new way of looking at life for sure but it has a major problem. It is built on unforgiveness and it is unbiblical. Other than...
Happy New Year!
2022 is a year that may be very happy or very unhappy, we don't know the circumstances beforehand do we?
But, it is safe to say that God wants us to have an inner joy and peace that is not subject to the ups and downs of life.
Joy and happiness are two different things. Joy is an internal condition of our spirit and soul. Happiness is...
God’s Chosen People – the Jews
God has chosen the Jewish people to be not only the channel but also the object of His salvation. God wrote 39 books in the Old Testament of the Bible to point to the 27 books of the New Testament.
Jesus was a Jew, most of the New Testament was written by Jews. The number of Old Testament verses quoted in the New Testament are so...