The Message

Catholicism vs. Protestants: Who Is Right?

Catholicism vs. Protestants: Who Is Right?
We need to get this settled in our own minds so that we can properly work together according to God’s will. The video below is an excellent discussion on the differences and agreements between the two. The answer to the question is not simple but very necessary. Centuries of misunderstanding have caused conflict between the two. Even wars were fought to try to answer the question by force. Millions died in the Thirty Years War, one of the most destructive wars ever.


Can we possibly find a way that enables us to get along? The answer is an emphatic YES. No matter which side you may be on, please make this video a peacemaking opportunity to help build bridges rather than destroy them! If you are not either, you might be helped just to understand Christianity better. Roughly 20% of the U.S. and the world is Catholic. 33% is Protestant. No small issue!


Finally, take a look at Romans 14. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how He wants us to handle differences within the Christian church.

Catholics Vs Protestants: Who is Right?

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