The Message

Heaven Opened for All But Most Won’t Enter

Heaven Opened for All But Most Won't Enter
Inclusivity – the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or intellectual disabilities or belonging to other minority groups.
Inclusivity as defined above could lead some to think that God was inclusive so that every person is loved and therefore every person is going to heaven. That belief is not true. God has clearly stated that heaven and hell exist. If hell does exist, it is the destination for all who fall short of heaven. Those who enter heaven will be in the minority – that is a scary thought but a true thought.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13 
Jesus spoke these words to warn us that it is easy (wide road) to miss heaven. Here is another shocking truth – most people think they are going to heaven because they are good enough through their own efforts I’m a good Catholic, I’m a good Lutheran. I’m a good Jew.  Catholic or Protestant or any other religion is by itself insufficient. The goodness or righteousness of God can only be received as a gift by faith in Jesus Christ not by good works of any religion. Some Catholics are going to heaven, some are not. It is not dependent on their behavior as the article below explains. It is dependent on their faith in Jesus Christ. The same is true of every other denomination. Belonging to a church and practicing church rules and policies fall short without Christ.
We live in dangerous times. Politicians tell us what we want to hear. They want our votes. They are generally speaking INCLUSIVE. But God is not. Don’t be fooled. The bottom line is that all of us are sinners deserving hell – all of us are guilty.
All of us are law breakers. None of us can keep the law and obligate God to open the doors of heaven. Jesus is the true Prophet who has come into the world to save the world from our sins. All other prophets are false prophets if they are telling people that they are going to heaven some other way. The article above is talking about people who think they are Christians but are not.
Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Matthew 7:15-16
Preachers, priests and politicians who teach righteousness by good works alone are dangerous; they are in sheep’s clothing if they are not representing the truth. They can lead many to think they are ok but they are not. You need to make sure that you are ok today with God by trusting in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross in payment for your sins. All sin must be forgiven to enter heaven. Any sin whatsoever if not forgiven will condemn us. Here is the good news: Christ took our condemnation upon Himself so that we would not be condemned. All that is required is our faith in Jesus so that we believe He died for our sins, all of them past, present and future.
No matter what your denomination, the Message is the same. All who believe become members of the true church (narrow road), all who do not accept Christ are outside (wide road). The Good News is that when God says “whoever” He means He wants to bring salvation to every person through faith in Christ.
I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. John 5:24
John 5:24 is the Narrow Road to heaven. Don’t miss it.
Enjoy this message from Dr. E. V. Hill on THE TWO ROADS OF LIFE

This Revelation May Change The Course of Your Eternal Destination - TWO ROADS OF LIFE -

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