Who is really in charge of this world? The Bible gives us the answer repeatedly. God is in control and all that happens is already known by Him and allowed by Him.
He is sovereign which means that He rules supremely and reigns over His creation.
We may think that we are in control. We often have the attitude that I can do whatever I please and can control my life better than anybody else including God.
When we deny God’s control or resist doing what He wants, we actually believe that we know better than God. But, God created us and we need to ask the question – Why?
Very simply, we were made by God to love God and we were made by God to be loved by God. We were made for a beautiful, personal relationship with God.
Consider how we drive our cars. We need brakes to keep us safe. We need rules to keep us from crashing into one another. We need limits on speed to keep us from crashing. We drive our cars, hopefully with humility, recognizing that we must be responsible to drive to our destination. What about our journey through this world?
God gives us His Word so that we can get to heaven and spend eternity with Him. He loves us and died for us so that we would no longer be separated from Him.
But, He wants us to voluntarily give Him control. We are given free will to accept or reject God.
Jesus Christ is the Shepherd who laid down His life out of love for the sheep. Do we accept His leadership and trust Him 100% to guide us through His Holy Spirit and His Word?
Our spiritual life determines how we live our lives. Without God, we can pridefully go our own way but eventually suffer for it. The Prodigal Son found that out.
He was not coerced by God. His free will was respected and he left the Father to do his own thing. God loved him all the way even when he was far away. God’s love is unconditional so He is ready to take over whenever we will surrender to His rule. Apart from God, we are like a branch disconnected from the tree. We desperately need to be connected to Him by faith.
We still have power hungry dictators ready to smash any opposition, Unlike God, they rule through
fear and intimidation.
Eventually, they all come to their senses but likely fail to honor God in their lifetimes. God was merciful to Nebuchadnezzar as he learned his lesson and recognized that God gave him his power and authority. In the verses below, the first sentence is spoken by Daniel admonishing the king to renounce his sins and turn to God.
The king’s response (12 months later) is far from wise. He gives himself all the glory for his life. But, when the Truth is revealed to Him, he comes to his senses and acknowledges that Heaven Rules.
Who is in control of your life? Is this your prayer? “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.