God became a man and added a new nature so that He could identify with us and die for us. The Incarnation is the placement of the Seed of God into the human flesh of Mary – how remarkable!
She gave birth to a Child who was born from above by the power of the Holy Spirit. His name is Jesus and He came in fulfillment of many promises spoken throughout the history of Israel.
He is the Messiah, the Anointed One, the Christ. Nothing in the history of mankind can surpass this amazing decision by God to enter our world as a human being without giving up any of His Deity. What an awesome intervention into the affairs of mankind.
He came so that we might believe in Him and receive eternal life. Without Him, we will die in our sins.
He is our only Blessed Hope to heaven. By trusting in Jesus Christ, we can be born again and receive new birth into the family of God. How much does God love us that He would send His only Son so that we can believe in the meaning of Christmas and have eternal life?
Without Christmas, we have no Savior, we have no forgiveness, we have no hope.
Most people do not understand the gravity of all this. Most are caught up in the commercial, external celebrations of the holidays.
Please use the season to witness to those who are in your life that Jesus has come to save us all.
Christmas was His arrival and Easter marked His death, resurrection and ascension into heaven. Those events happened! We celebrate Jesus at Christmas! He is the reason for the Season! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.
We dare not miss the Reason for the Season. Chuck Swindoll speaks about “5 Warnings for the Christmas Season” in the video below. His words often are lighthearted as he is addressing seminarian students in Dallas. He is helping them to understand Christmas properly so that when they begin their ministry, they can better serve their congregations. The message was given 11 years ago but it is still timely and funny and helpful!