There are three stages in the Christian life: justification, sanctification and glorification. We need to understand all three as much as possible.
That can only happen through the revelation of truth in the Word of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit. Most people are going to miss these three stages and therefore miss heaven. Please listen carefully. Ask God to give you the Truth that will set you on the path to eternal life and your reason for life here on earth.
We are three parts: spirit, soul and body. Justification is what happens to our spirit as we begin our life in Christ through the rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, it is our spiritual birthday.
Sanctification is what happens to our soul (mind, will and emotions) as we grow as the children of God. Sanctification is a lifetime process, it never stops until we die. Sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit as we learn and grow through knowing and obeying God. Ideally, we mature through stages of life as we deal with the tests of life. Growth comes through cooperation with Jesus as Lord and Savior of our lives. Sanctification will always be necessary because we never reach perfection in this life. However that does lead to the next stage which is perfection or glorification.
Glorification is the completion of our being as we pass from this life to the next. We are completed by God through resurrection of our bodies – the third and last part of our being. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven. Like a seed that is planted in the ground only to spring forth as a new creation, our perishable bodies are planted in the earth to be raised imperishable fit for heaven. The same Holy Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead will raise all believers into glory to live with Christ forever. Where oh death is thy victory, where oh death is thy sting? We overcome death through faith in the death and resurrection of Christ on our behalf.
When we die, and all will die, we will die in our sin and be separated from God forever or we will be seen by God as forgiven for sin and righteous in God’s sight.
The key to the promise of glorification is the forgiveness of all our sins through the Blood of Jesus Christ. Those who trust in Christ will overcome death, those who do not receive justification will be required to pay for their sin. A payment for sin must be made! God’s justice requires that. Christians rely on Christ 100% for that payment but unbelievers will come under the justice of God. There is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. Without Christ. we will not be justified, sanctified or glorified. With Christ, we are no longer under condemnation, we are destined for glory. We might ask the question, why does God want to bring us into His glory? First, He loves us and, second, He wants to spend eternity with Him through marriage as His Bride (the church). Christ is coming again for those who are set apart for Him just as a woman is engaged or set apart for her husband. God wants us to be co-heirs with Him as His marriage covenant partner. What an awesome thought! Just as Eve was the first woman who sinned with Adam and fell from grace. God’s ultimate plan for us is redemption back to innocence and righteousness as the New Eve with Christ, the New Adam. Glorification is really all about preparation for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb and you are invited!
Additional answers explaining glorification are also given below. Please consider the excellent explanation provided by